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A brief description of the example.
Hinged Shell with Stop Angle (Revolute Joint)

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Example: Hinged Shell with Stop Angle (Revolute Joint)

Filename: constrained.joint_revolute.k

Two rigid shell elements are joined together using a revolute joint.
A stop angle is defined so that the rotating plate can only rotate 30 degrees
relative to the other plate.

A pair of concentrated loads are applied to the end nodes of a hinge-jointed
shell system using * LOAD_NODE_POINT. One of the rigid plates is fixed by
using the capability within the *MAT_R IGID keyword. The rotating plate has
a stop angle of 30 degrees relative to the fixed plate defined using the

Because all components in the model are rigid, the time step needs to be
controlled by limiting the maximum time step to 4.15E-06 s.(In deformable
structures, the minimum time step is usually the one of concern.)

The rotating plate at several states are shown imposed on each other.
The maximum rotated angle is closer to 38 degrees rather than the specified
30 degrees. This is because the joint stiffness actual defines the angle at
which the resistance force is to begin. The forces associated with stopping
the rotating plate can be determined by examining the jntforc ascii file.