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  hinged shell w/ stop angle
  $  LSTC Example
  $  Last Modified: October 16, 1997
  $ - This problem has a pair of concentrated loads applied to
  $   the end nodes of a hinge-jointed shell system.  
  $ - 30 degree stop angle (must add joint stiffness, local coord system)
  $ - control timestep with maximum 4.15E-06
  $  Units: lbf-s2/in, in, s, lbf, psi, lbf-in
  $$$$  Control Ouput
  $   endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas
  $   dtinit      scft      isdo    tslimt      dtms      lctm     erode     ms1st
  $     lcid      sidr      scla      sclo      offa      offo
  $           abscissa            ordinate
                   0.0            4.15E-06 
                   1.0            4.15E-06 
  $       dt      lcdt
  $       dt
  $       dt
  $       dt
  $     nid1      nid2
           3         4
  $       dt
  $$$$  Revolute Joint
  $  Create a revolute joint between two rigid bodies.  The rigid bodies must
  $  share a common edge to define the joint along.  This edge, however, must
  $  not have the nodes merged together.  Rigid bodies A and B will rotate 
  $  relative to each other along the axis defined by the common edge.
  $  Nodes 1 and 2 are on rigid body A and coincide with nodes 9 and 10
  $  on rigid body B, respectively.  (This defines the axis of rotation.)
  $  The relative penalty stiffness on the revolute joint is to be 1.0,
  $  the joint is well lubricated, thus no damping at the joint is supplied.
  $       n1        n2        n3        n4        n5        n6       rps      damp
           1         9         2        10                           1.0
  $$$$$$$$$$$$  Define a joint stiffness for the revolute joint described above. 
  $  Attributes of the joint stiffness:
  $    - Used for defining a stop angle of 30 degrees rotation
  $        (i.e., the joint allows a positive rotation of 30 degrees and
  $           then imparts an elastic stiffness to prevent futher rotation)
  $    - Define between rigid body A (part 1) and rigid body B (part 2)
  $    - Define a local coordinate system along the revolute axis
  $        on rigid body A - nodes 1, 2 and 3 (cid = 5).  This is used to
  $        define the revolute angles phi (PH), theta (T), and psi (PS).
  $    - The elastic stiffness per unit radian for the stop angles
  $        are 100, 10, 10 for PH, T, and PS, respectively.
  $    - Values not specified are not used during the simulation.
  $     jsid      pidA      pidB      cidA      cidB
           1         1         2         5         5
  $   lcidPH     lcidT    lcidPS   dlcidPH    dlcidT   dlcidPS
  $     esPH      fmPS       esT       fmT      esPS      fmPS
       100.0                10.0                10.0
  $    nsaPH     psaPH      nsaT      psaT     nsaPS     psaPS
  $      cid        n1        n2        n3
           5         1         2         3
  $$$$  Define Loading
  $      nid       dof      lcid        sf       cid        m1        m2        m3
           3         3         1-1.000E+00
           4         3         1-1.000E+00
  $     lcid      sidr      scla      sclo      offa      offo
  $           abscissa            ordinate
        0.00000000E+00      1.00000000E+00
        1.00000000E+00      1.00000000E+00
  $$$$  Define Parts and Materials
  $      pid       sid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt
           1         1         1         0
           2         1         2         0
  $$$$  Materials
  $      mid        ro         e        pr         n    couple         m     alias
           1 7.000E-04 3.000E+07 3.000E-01          
  $      cmo      con1      con2
  $   lco/a1        a2        a3        v1        v2        v3
  $      mid        ro         e        pr         n    couple         m     alias
           2 7.000E-04 3.000E+07 3.000E-01          
  $      cmo      con1      con2
         1.0         7         7
  $   lco/a1        a2        a3        v1        v2        v3
  $$$$  Sections
  $      sid    elform      shrf       nip     propt   qr/irid     icomp
           1         2                 3.0
  $       t1        t2        t3        t4      nloc
         0.1       0.1       0.1       0.1
  $$$$  Define Nodes and Elements