A brief description of the example.
*CONTACT Shell Rebounds from Plate Using Five Contact Types LS-DYNA Manual Section: *CONTACT Additional Sections: *INITIAL_VELOCITY Example: Shell Rebounds from Plate Using Five Contact Types Filename: contact.plates.k Description: A shell element drops and rebounds on an elastic plate. Model: The plate measures 40*40*1 mm3 and contains 16 shell elements. The dropped shell element has a side length of 10 mm, a thickness of 2 mm and drop height of 10 mm. All shell elements are elastic with Belytschko-Tsay formulation. The dropped shell element has an initial velocity of 100,000 mm/second vertically towards the plate. The calculations terminate at 0.0002 seconds. Input: All four nodes of the dropped shell element have an initial velocity specified by *INITIAL_VELOCITY. Contact types 3, 5 and 10 use the dropped shell element as slave side and the four shell elements in the center of the plate as master side. The example file has type 3 contact activated, while the other contact types are commented out. To change contact types, simply comment out type 3 and un-comment the desired contact. Type 3 contact is a two way surface to surface algorithm. The segments on the slave side are checked for penetration of the master segment then the opposite search takes place. Type 4 is a single surface algorithm. The nodes of all segments are checked for penetration of all segments. Type 5 is a node to surface one way algorithm. The program checks that no slave node penetrates any master segment. Type 10 converts surface to surface definition into a node to surface definition. Type 13 is a more robust version of the single surface algorithm. Reference: Schweizerhof, K. and Weimar, K.