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Reduced Input

*Node and *Element Cards are removed.
  bar impact
  $  LSTC Example
  $  Last Modified: September 12, 1997
  $  Units: gm, cm, microsec, 1e+07 N, Mbar, 1e+07 N-cm
  $$$$  Control Ouput
  $   endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endneg    endmas
  $     hgen      rwen    slnten     rylen 
  $      ihq        qh
  $    npopt    neecho    nrefup    iaccop     opifs    ipnint    ikedit
           0         0         0         0                   2      1000
  $       dt      lcdt
  $       dt      lcdt
  $       dt
  $  dt/cycl      lcdt
  $      id1       id2       id3       id4       id5       id6       id7       id8
  $$$$  Initial Conditions
  $$$$  Nodes within box 2 are given an initial velocity in the neg z-direction.
  $$$$  These are all the nodes except for those on the bottom of the bar.
  $     nsid    nsidex     boxid
           0         0         2
  $       vx        vy        vz       vxe       vye       vze
         0.0       0.0   -0.0227       0.0       0.0       0.0
  $    boxid       xmm       xmx       ymn       ymx       zmn       zmx
           2     -1.e6      1.e6     -1.e6      1.e6  0.50e-02      1.e6
  $$$$  Define Parts and Materials
  $      pid       sid       mid     eosid      hgid    adpopt
           1         1         1
  $      mid        ro         e        pr      sigy      etan      beta
           1     8.930      1.17     0.350     0.004     0.001       1.0
  $      src       srp        fs
         0.0       0.0       0.0
  $      sid    elform
           1         0
  $$$$  Define Nodes and Elements
  $$$$  Many nodes have boundary conditions to simulate symmetry.