A brief description of the example.
*LOAD_BODY_Z Tire Under Gravity Loading Bounces on a Rigid Wall LS-DYNA Manual Section: *LOAD_BODY_Z Additional Sections: *RIGIDWALL_PLANAR Example: Tire Under Gravity Loading Bounces on a Rigid Wall Filename: load_body.gravity.k Description: A simple model of a tire is placed under gravity loaded and bounces on a rigid wall. Model: A positive gravity constant of 0.00981 mm/ms 2 is used to make the tire drop in the negative z-direction. A *RIGIDWALL_PLANAR keyword is used to define the ground. Nodes on the bottom of the tire are prevented from penetrating the rigid wall by specifying them within the *RIGIDWALL_PLANAR command (using a *SET_NODE_COLUMN keyword). Results: The rigid wall forces oscillate about the steady state, which is the weight of the tire (W = 0.26 kN). Curiously, the tire damps out even though no damping is specified within the model. See the example in *DAMPING_GLOBAL for an explanation and fix.