A brief description of the example.
*MAT_RIGID Rigid Sliding Block in Local Coordinate System LS-DYNA Manual Section: *MAT_RIGID Additional Sections: *DEFINE_COORDINATE_VECTOR *LOAD_SEGMENT Example: Rigid Sliding Block in Local Coordinate System Filename: mat_rigid.block-slide.k Description: A center of mass is constrained to slide along a local coordinate system. The termination time is 0.010 seconds. Model: The material description references a local coordinate system to constrain the rigid block. The rigid block is free to translate along the local z axis. Input: The material definition is a rigid material (*MAT_R IGID). The material specifies the use of a local coordinate system, the local coordinate constraint value of 100111 (tx ty tz rx ry rz), and the local coordinate system for output. The local coordinate system specifies that the local origin is the global origin, the local x-axis point is (1.0,0.0,1.0) and the local y-axis point is (0.0,0.0,1.0) (*DEFINE_COORDINATE_VECTOR). A shell element is defined in order to control the time-step. Results: The block slides along the local coordinate system.