A brief description of the example.
*RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_SPHERE_MOTION Rigid Wall Sphere Impacts a Plate LS-DYNA Manual Section: *RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_SPHERE_MOTION Example: Rigid Wall Sphere Impacts a Plate Filename: rigidwall_geometric_sphere.plate.k Description: A " Stonewall" - sphere impacts an elastic plate. (The sphere will not be shown in LSTAURUS.) Model: The plate has an elastic material model with Belytschko-Tsay shell formulation. The plate is 40 * 40 * 2 mm3. The sphere has a radius of 8 mm and its center is 9 mm above the plate. The sphere moves towards the plate with a prescribed displacement resulting in a velocity of velocity of 3 mm/second. Input: A spherical stonewall surface represents the true geometry of the ball. (*RIGIDWALL_GEOMETRIC_SPHERE_MOTION). The stone wall cards contain direction and load curve number defining the motion. All nodes of the plate are prevented from penetrating the sphere. Reference: Schweizerhof, K. and Weimar, K.