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Reduced Input

*Node and *Element Cards are removed.
  Tire Compression Model
  $                           name          part #
  $                        ------------------------
  $         tire             tire-fl          65
  $         wheel            wheel-fl         66
  $  - tire is pressurized using an *AIRBAG_SIMPLE_PRESSURE_VOLUME
  $  - it takes approximately 20 ms to stabilize the pressurization
  $  John D. Reid  1/28/00
  $  Units: mm, kg, ms, kN, GPa, kN-mm
  $$$$  Control Ouput
  $   endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas
  $    npopt    neecho    nrefup    iaccop     opifs    ipnint    ikedit
           1         3
  $     hgen      rwen    slnten     rylen
           2         2         2         2
  $       dt      lcdt
  $       dt      lcdt
  $       dt
  $       dt
  $       dt
  $       dt
  $    node     location
  $    65016 - at minimum z (on tire)
  $    65088 - at maximum z (on tire)
  $    65124 - at maximum x (on tire)
  $    65052 - at minimum x (on tire)
  $    65474 - center of wheel
  $      id1       id2       id3       id4       id5       id6       id7       id8
       65016     65088     65124     65052     65474
  $       dt
  $$$$  Airbags - Tires
  $      sid    sidtyp      rbid      vsca      psca      vini       mwd      spsf
          73         1         0       0.0       0.0       0.0      15.0       0.0
  $       cn      beta      lcid
   3.200E-04       1.0
  $      sid
  $     pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4 
  $$$$  Define Parts and Materials
  $      pid       sid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt
          65        65        65
          66        66        66
  $$$$  Materials
  $      mid        ro         e        pr      sigy      etan      eppf      tdel
          65 4.05980-6     2.461     0.323     0.025
  $        c         p      lcss      lcsr
  $ Plastic stress/strain curve
       0.000     0.010     0.029     0.070     0.400     1.000
       0.000     0.025     0.030     0.033     0.036     0.030
          66 1.89000-5     210.0      0.30
  $      cmo      con1      con2
  $lco or a1        a2        a3        v1        v2        v3
  $$$$  Sections
  $      sid    elform      shrf       nip     propt   qr/irid     icomp
          65         2                 3.0
  $       t1        t2        t3        t4      nloc
         3.0       3.0       3.0       3.0
  $      sid    elform      shrf       nip     propt   qr/irid     icomp
          66         2                 3.0
  $       t1        t2        t3        t4      nloc
         4.6       4.6       4.6       4.6
  $$$$  Define Nodes and Elements