$ Example provided by Dr. Nils Karajan (DYNAmore Corporation)
$ Date: Wed Apr 11 10:42:53 CET 2018
$ E-Mail: info@dynamore.de
$ Web: http://www.dynamore.de
$ Copyright, 2018 DYNAmore Corp.
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$ Run file as is. It was tested with LS-DYNA R9.2 with double precision.
$# Units: kg / mm / ms / kN / GPa / kN-mm
$# prmr1 val1 prmr2 val2 prmr3 val3 prmr4 val4
$--- Simulation time
R tEnd 5.0
$--- Pre-force in beams / Pre-stress in solids (cross sect 74.9859 mm^2)
R bltForce 28.8
R bltStrss 0.3841
$--- Loading of the connection
R distX 5.0
$# prmr1 expression1
$--- Plot intervals
R dtPlot TEnd/100.0
R dtAscii TEnd/1000.0
$--- Load application times
R dtPreStr TEnd/5.0
R tLoad TEnd/2.0
$--- Implicit time integration
R dt0 dtPreStr/20.
R dtMin dtPreStr/30.
R dtMax dtPreStr/10.
R tDyDth dtPreStr*2./3.
R tDyBur dtPreStr
R tDyBir tLoad
$--- Infinity time
R tInfty tEnd*1.01
$# title
Bolted Connection Type a
$ INITIAL cards
$# bsid lcid scale kbend
100 100 0
$# sid
$# k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 k7 k8
$# lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp lcint
100 &dtPreStr &bltForce
$# a1 o1
0.0 0.0
1.0 1.0
$ BOUNDARY cards
$# nsid dof vad lcid sf vid death birth
20 1 2 11
$# lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp lcint
$# a1 o1
0.0 0.0
&tLoad 0.0
&tEnd &distX
&tInfty &distX
$# nsid cid dofx dofy dofz dofrx dofry dofrz
10 1 1 1 1 1 1
$--- Bolt
$# title
$# pid secid mid eosid hgid grav adpopt tmid
100 100 100
$# fs fd dc vc optt sft ssf
$# secid elform shrf qr/irid cst scoor nsm
100 9 1.0 2 1
$# ts1 ts2 tt1 tt2 print
10.0 10.0
$# mid ro e pr sigy eh dt tfail
100 7.85e-6 210.0 0.3 0.64 9.5
$# efail nrr nrs nrt mrr mss mtt nf
$ CONSTRAINED cards (bolt head and nut)
$# pid cid nsid pnode iprt drflag rrflag
110 110 1
$ =============
$ CONTROL cards
$ =============
$# endtim endcyc dtmin endeng endmas nosol
$# dtinit tssfac isdo tslimt dt2ms lctm erode ms1st
$# dt2msf dt2mslc imscl unused unused rmscl