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Reduced Input

$ Example provided by Dr. Nils Karajan (DYNAmore)
$ E-Mail: info@dynamore.de
$ Web: http://www.dynamore.de
$ Copyright, 2015 DYNAmore GmbH
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$X PROJEKT: EFG simulation: cutting/bulk forming 
$X 1. Run file as is.
$X    Requires LS-DYNA MPP R8.0.0 (or higher) with double precision 
$# UNITS: ton / mm / s / N / MPa / Nmm (mJ)
EFG Local Adaptivity
$                                                                              $
$                             PARAMETER DEFINITION                             $
$                                                                              $
$    PRMR1      VAL1
R tend        3.0e-2
R dtout       3.0e-4
R dtimpl      2.0e-4
$- Adaprive frequency
R dtadpf      1.0e-3
$- Adaptive mesh size
R rmin          0.15
R rmax          2.25
R adpene        0.3
$- Tool travel
R dist          9.0
$                                                                              $
$                          CONTROL CARDS (GENERAL)                             $
$                                                                              $
$#  endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas
$#   imass     gamma      beta    tdybir    tdydth    tdybur     irate
$         1       0.6      0.38
$   imflag       dt0    imform      nsbs       igs     cnstn      form    zero_v
$    iauto    iteopt    itewin     dtmin     dtmax     dtexp
         1        20         4          &dtimpl
$   nsolvr    ilimit    maxref     dctol     ectol     rctol     lstol    abstol
         2         4         7    0.0010      0.01                       1.0e-20
$    dnorm    diverg     istif   nlprint    nlnorm   d3itctl     cpchk
         1         1                   2                              
$   arcctl    arcdir    arclen    arcmth    arcdmp
$    lsmtd     lsdir      irad      srad      awgt      sred
$#   npopt    neecho    nrefup    iaccop     opifs    ipnint    ikedit    iflush
         1                                                         100          
$#   iprtf    ierode     tet10    msgmax    ipcurv      gmdt
                             2        50          
$#    hgen      rwen    slnten     rylen
         2         2         2         2
$      osu       inn    pidosu      iacc
         1         4                   1
$#     lmf      jntf    orthmd     partm    sparse    metalf    plotel     rbsms
$    esort   fmatrix   niptets    swlocl
         1         2         5
$#   pm1     pm2     pm3     pm4     pm5     pm6     pm7     pm8     pm9    pm10

$      IHQ        QH
$#  slsfac    rwpnal    islchk    shlthk    penopt    thkchg     orien    enmass
$#  usrstr    usrfrc     nsbcs    interm     xpene     ssthk      ecdt   tiedprj
$#   sfric     dfric       edc       vfc        th     th_sf    pen_sf
$#  ignore    frceng   skiprwg    outseg   spotstp   spotdel   spothin
$#    isym    nserod    rwgaps    rwgdth     rwksf      icov    swradf    ithoff
$#  shledg    pstiff    ithcnt    tdcnof     ftall    unused    shltrw
$                                                                              $
$                          CONTROL CARDS (ADAPTIVITY)                          $
$                                                                              $
$# adpfreq    adptol    adpopt    maxlvl    tbirth    tdeath     lcadp    ioflag
&dtadpf                      7         3     
$# adpsize    adpass    ireflg    adpene     adpth    memory    orient     maxel
       1.0         0         0&adpene                              
$# ladpn90    ladpgh    ncfred    ladpcl    adpctl    cbirth    cdeath     lclvl
$#    cnla
$#    rmin      rmax   vf_loss     mfrac    dt_min     icurv    iadp10    segang
&rmin     &rmax
$#     ivt       iat      iaat       ier MonotoMsh
         1         1         0                   1
$#    iat1      iat2      iat3

$                                                                              $
$                               DATABASE CARDS                                 $
$                                                                              $
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dtout                                 1
$#   iform   ibinary
$#      dt      lcdt      beam     npltc    psetid
$#   ioopt
$#      dt      lcdt      beam     npltc    psetid
$                                                                              $
$                          PARTS / SECTION / MATERIALS                         $
$                                                                              $
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
         2         2         2
$#   secid    elform      shrf       nip     propt   qr/irid     icomp     setyp
         2         2
$#      t1        t2        t3        t4      nloc     marea      idof    edgset
$#     mid        ro         e        pr         n    couple         m     alias
         2   7.85E-9  2.10e+05       0.3
$#     cmo      con1      con2
       1.0       4.0       7.0
$# lco or a1      a2        a3        v1        v2        v3

$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
         3         3         3                                       2
$#   secid    elform       aet
         3        41         
$#      dx        dy        dz   ispline     idila      iebt   idim(2)    toldef
      1.25      1.25      1.25                             3         2      
$#     ips     stime      iken        sf      cmid       ibr        ds      ecut
$#     mid        ro         e        pr      sigy      etan      fail      tdel
         3   7.85E-9  2.10e+05       0.3     400.0
$#       c         p      lcss      lcsr        vp
                            33                   1
$#    eps1      eps2      eps3      eps4      eps5      eps6      eps7      eps8

$#     es1       es2       es3       es4       es5       es6       es7       es8

$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
$#                a1                  o1
0.000, 400.0
0.005, 450.0
0.020, 455.0
0.100, 600.0
0.200, 800.0
$                                                                              $
$                               CONTACT CARDS                                  $
$                                                                              $
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr
         3         2         3         3
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf

$#    soft    sofscl    lcidab    maxpar     sbopt     depth     bsort    frcfrq
$#  penmax    thkopt    shlthk     snlog      isym     i2d3d    sldthk    sldstf

$#    igap    ignore    dprfac    dtstif                        flangl   cid_rcf
$                                                                              $
$                              BOUNARY CONDITIONS                              $
$                                                                              $
$--- Side Wall fixed
$#      tc        rc       dir         x         y         z
         7         7         1       3.0       5.0       5.0
$--- Bottom Support (normal only)
$#      tc        rc       dir         x         y         z
         3         7         3      10.0       7.0       0.0
$#     pid       dof       vad      lcid        sf       vid     death     birth
         2         3                   1      -1.0
Prescribed Motion
$#    lcid      sidr      dist    tstart      tend     trise        v0
         1          &dist               &tend     &tend/6.0
$                                                                              $
$                              ELEMENTS / NODES                                $
$                                                                              $