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Reduced Input

$ Example provided by Dr. Nils Karajan and Bruno Boll (DYNAmore)
$ E-Mail: info@dynamore.de
$ Web: http://www.dynamore.de
$ Copyright, 2015 DYNAmore GmbH
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$X 1. Run file as is.
$X    Requires LS-DYNA MPP R8.0.0 (or higher) with double precision 
$# UNITS: kg / m / s / N / Pa / Nm (J) / Pa*s
$# title
ICFD Tool Cooling
$                                                                              $
$                             CONTROL PARAMETERS                               $
$                                                                              $
R    T_end      20.0
R  dt_plot      0.10
$--- Fluid
R  v_inlet       1.5
R  T_inlet      20.0
R dt_fluid     0.002
$--- Solid
R   T_tool      50.0
R   T_blnk     200.0
R   T_surf      50.0
R  dt_thrm     0.002
$                                                                              $
$                 FLUID-STRUCTURE-INTERACTION AND HEAT TRANSFER                $
$                                                                              $
$--- Surface for heat transfer
$#     pid
$--- Dummy-FSI to be included, even though physically not needed!
$--- If not included, the conjugate heat transfer does not work
$#     owc        bt        dt
$#     pid
$                                                                              $
$                                CONTROL CARDS                                 $
$                                                                              $
$#  endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas     nosol
$#  dtinit    tssfac      isdo    tslimt     dt2ms      lctm     erode     ms1st
$#    soln       nlq     isnan     lcint
$#   atype     ptype    solver     cgtol       gpt    eqheat     fwork       sbc
         1                  11
$#  msglvl    maxitr    abstol    reltol     omega                           tsf

$#      ts       tip       its      tmin      tmax     dtemp      tscp      lcts
$                                                                              $
$                             DATABASE (OUTPUT)                                $
$                                                                              $
$#   iform   ibinary
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt
&dt_plot           3
$#      dt      lcdt    nobeam     npltc    psetid
$#   neiph     neips    maxint    strflg    sigflg    epsflg    rltflg    engflg
                                                 2         2         2         2
$#  cmpflg    ieverp    beamip     dcomp      shge     stssz    n3thdt   ialemat
$# nintsld   pkp_sen      sclp     hydro     msscl     therm    intout    nodout
$                                                                              $
$                            PARTS/ SECTION/ MATERIAL                          $
$                                                                              $
$--- Tool solid
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
     10001     10001     10001                                             10001
$#   label    elform       aet
     10001         1
$#     mid        ro         e        pr         n    couple         m  alias/re
     10001  7.85E+03   2.1e+11       0.3
$#     cmo      con1      con2
       1.0       7.0       7.0
$#     lco        a2        a3        v1        v2        v3

$#    tmid       tro     tgrlc    tgmult      tlat      hlat
$#      hc        tc
  4.80e+02  5.20e+01
$--- Tool skin
Outer skin cold
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
     10003     10003     10001                                             10001
Outer skin hot
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
     10004     10003     10001                                             10001
Pipe wall
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
     10005     10003     10001                                             10001
$#   label    elform      shrf       nip     propt        qr     icomp     setyp
     10003         2
$#      t1        t2        t3        t4      nloc     marea      idof    edgset
$                                                                              $
$                         BOUNDARY/INITIAL CONDITIONS                          $
$                                                                              $
$#    pidm      pids     iflag
     10001     10003
     10001     10004
     10001     10005
$#    nsid      temp       loc
All nodes
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4
$#  option
$#    nsid      temp       loc
Outer skin hot
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4
$#  option        p1
PART           10004
$#    nsid      temp       loc
Pipe wall
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4
$#  option        p1
PART           10005
$                                                                              $
$                                CONTROL CARDS                                 $
$                                                                              $
$#     ttm        dt       cfl
&T_end    &dt_fluid
$#    msgl      outl     dtout
$#    rsrf
$--- Stabilization of the temperature field to avoid negative temperatures
$#  on/off
$                                                                              $
$                             TURBULENCE MODELS                                $
$                                                                              $
$# 0: Variational multiscale model (default)
$# 1: RANS k-eps model
$# 2: LES Smagorinsky sub-grid scale model
$# 3: LES Wall adapting local eddy-viscosity (WALE) model
$#    tmod
$#     ce1       ce2        qe        qk        cu
$                                                                              $
$                            PARTS/ SECTION/ MATERIAL                          $
$                                                                              $
$ 41 Inlet
$ 42 Outlet
$ 43 Pipe walls
$#     pid     secid       mid
        41         1         1
$#     pid     secid       mid
        42         1         1
$#     pid     secid       mid
        43         1         1
$--- Combine the boundaryies of the fluid domain
$#     pid     secid       mid
        44         1         1
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
        41        42        43
$--- Section needs to be generated but serves no further function at the moment
$#   secid
$--- Material definition of air
$# Source: www.engineeringtoolbox.com/air-properties-d_156.html @ 20 degrees
$#     mid       flg        ro       vis       thd
         1         1     1.205  15.11e-6     0.000
$#      hc        tc      beta
    1005.0    0.0257
$    1005.0    0.0257   3.43e-3
$                                                                              $
$                             BOUNDARY CONDITIONS                              $
$                                                                              $
$ 41 Inlet
$ 42 Outlet
$ 43 Pipe walls
$--- Stick condition for pipe walls
$#     pid
$--- Prescribe velocity at inlet
$# x-velocity
$#     pid       dof       vad      lcid        sf       vid     death     birth
        41         1         3         1
$# y-velocity
$#     pid       dof       vad      lcid        sf       vid     death     birth
        41         2         1         2
$# z-velocity
$#     pid       dof       vad      lcid        sf       vid     death     birth
        41         3         1         2
$--- Prescribe pressure at outlet
$#     pid      lcid        sf     death     birth
        42         2
$--- Prescribe temperature at inlet
$#     pid      lcid        sf     death     birth
        41         3       1.0   1.0E+28       0.0
$--- Curve definitions for velocity/pressure/temperature
Velocity inlet
$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
         1                    &v_inlet
$#                a1                  o1
                 0.0                 1.0
             10000.0                 1.0
Pressure outlet
$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
$#                a1                  o1
                 0.0                 0.0
             10000.0                 0.0
Temperature inlet
$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
         3                    &T_inlet
$#                a1                  o1
                 0.0                 1.0
             10000.0                 1.0
$                                                                              $
$                              INITIAL CONDITIONS                              $
$                                                                              $
$#     pid        vx        vy        vz         T         p
        44       0.0       0.0       0.0&T_inlet
$                                                                              $
$                            MESH / NODES/ ELEMENTS                            $
$                                                                              $
$--- Surface definition for internal mesh generator
$#   volid
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
        41        42        43
$--- Boundary layer definition 
$#     pid     nelth 
        43         2
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
        41        42
$                                                                              $
$                          LSO - OUTPUT (SAMPLE POINTS)                        $
$                                                                              $
$#  solver
$#      dt      lcdt     lcopt     npltc      tbeg      tend
$#  domid1    domid2    domid3    domid4    domid5    domid6    domid7    domid8
$#  domain_type
$#  solver_name
$#   outid     refid              reduct
       142        42
$# variable_name
$        x         y         z
    1.5886    -.4722    1.0965
    1.6090    -.4714    1.0966
    1.6284    -.4707    1.0967
    1.6384    -.4861    1.0956
    1.6306    -.5025    1.0935
    1.6116    -.5032    1.0935
    1.5886    -.5041    1.0934
    1.6544    -.4696    1.0968
    1.6544    -.5017    1.0936