Intermediate examples

Intermediate : Dam break on shallow wet bed
At t=0, the gate is released with a prescribed velocity allowing the collapse of a water column and propagation of a dam break wave. The depth of the wet bed (shallow/deep) influences on the shape of the propagating flow. Warning : the mesh is fine, 8 CPUs or more are recommended for this case.

Intermediate : Dam break with Elastic gate
The proposed test case consists of a flexible gate, clamped at one end and free at the other which interacts with a mass of water initially confined in a free surface tank behind the gate. Due to the uncertainty of the material used, an elastic material as well as hyperelastic models (Ogden, Mooney-Rivlin) will be tested.

Intermediate : Flow over elastic roof
An air flow passes over a building preloaded by gravity. Non linear vibrations due to fluid structure interaction occur. The viscosity has been artificially raised to avoid turbulent non linearities.

Intermediate : Free falling wedge
A wedge with a mass of 241 kg and an initial velocity of 6.15 m/s is dropped at t=0 into water. The full complete FSI problem is solved and the impact force and wedge velocity can be compared to the experience.

Intermediate : FSI tutorial flap
This LS-DYNA simulation is a FSI simulation of a flap, similar to the two flaps example but the flap uses solid elements instead of shells. This example is a tutorial so in the download a PDF file is included that describes how to setup the problem.

Intermediate: FSI - 2 Flaps
This LS-DYNA simulation shows the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) of two flaps exposed to a flow field in a channel. It was computed solely using the implicit incompressible fluid solver (ICFD) of LS-DYNA and its strong two-way FSI coupling possibilities to the implicit structural solver in LS-DYNA.

Intermediate : Pipe junction
This LS-DYNA simulation is a pipe junction with the heat equation activated, it has two inlets and one outlet. This model demonstrates how to use the boundary layer mesh generation and also how to output results in a Paraview format. The geometry is the same as in the pipe junction tutorial in ANSA a pre-processor from BETA.

Intermediate : Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)
Special methods are available in the ICFD solver that allows user to model problems of 3D fluid infiltration through a porous media matrix. This simplified 2D example features a typical Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) application example. The highly viscous fluid has been considered Newtonian and the influence of temperature has been neglected even if both those factors could also be taken into account if needed.

Intermediate : SPHERIC Test 2
This case simulates the impact of a water column on a rigid rectangle shape obstacle. Pressure sensors are located at various points and results can be compared to the experiment. Warning : the mesh is fine, 8 CPUs or more are recommended for this case.

Intermediate : SPHERIC Test 10
In this validation sloshing simulation, a partially filled tank is rolling with a prescribed angular motion. The impact pressure is compared with the experiment. Different fluids and different tank thicknesses are tried to capture the 3D effects. Warning : the mesh is fine, 8 CPUs or more are recommended for this case.

Intermediate : Turek and Hron Benchmark
An elastic cantilever plate is clamped behind a rigid cylinder under laminar flow circumstances. Three different test cases named FSI1, FSI2 and FSI3 are provided. This is a purely numerical benchmark problem where codes can be compared to one another but no experimental results exist.

Intermediate : Vortex excited elastic plate
A thin elastic cantilever plate is situated in the wake of a rigid square cylinder. Two configurations are studies. One with no initial deflection, the other with an initial deflection of approx. 2:3cm. In the initial deflection configuration, the beam is released after ten seconds.

Intermediate : Water impact on rigid column
This case simulates the impact of a water column on a rigid obstacle and compares results with the experience. Note that there is a thin wet layer of fluid at the bottom. Warning : the mesh is fine, 8 CPUs or more are recommended for this case.

Intermediate : Wave Impact on Elastic structure
A water column collapses and impacts an elastic structure. This is a frequently used validation problem for which no experimental results were found. It uses mesh adaptivity to reduce the size of the mesh is zones were few flow features needs to be captured in order to save calculation time.

Intermediate : Thermal Pipe
This example features a thermal flow in a pipe with a prescribed temperature or heat flux. The heat transfer coefficient is extracted and displayed. The velocity profile is laminar.

Intermediate : Pressure wave in a straight cylindrical vessel
A pressure wave is sent down a cylinder and the deformations of the flexible structure are observed. This is a robustness verification test for strong FSI algorithms and methods.

Intermediate : Vena Cava
This problem is part of a series of benchmarks proposed by the FDA and consists in studying the time averaged flow in a patientaveraged inferior vena cava.

Intermediate : Bridge Flutter
Recalling the Tacoma bridge incident, the ICFD solver can be used for civil engineering applications such as bridge flutter and galloping analysis thanks to its strong FSI capabilities.

Intermediate : Mold filling problem
This aim of this filling problem is to study the flow front and the filling times of the various compartments of the mold. Thermal effects (viscosity function of temperature, heat transfer) are not taken into account but can be added.