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A  water column collapses and impacts an elastic structure. This is a frequently used validation problem for which no experimental results were found. It uses mesh adaptivity to reduce the size of the mesh is zones were few flow features needs to be captured in order to save calculation time.

References :

[1] World Congress on Engineering, An SPH Approach for Fluid-Hypoelastic Structure Interactions with Free Surfaces, (London, U.K), WCE, July 2011

[2] S. Idelsohn, J. Marti, A. Limache, and E. Oñate, “Unified lagrangian formulation for elastic solids and incompressible fluids: Application to fluid–structure interaction problems via the {PFEM},” Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 197, no. 19–20, pp. 1762 – 1776, 2008. Computational Methods in Fluid–Structure Interaction

[3] J. Marti, S. Idelsohn, A. Limache, N. Calvo, and J. D’Elía, “A fully coupled particle method for quasi-incompressible fluid-hypoelastic structure interactions,” Mechanica Computacional, vol. 25, pp. 809–827, 2006.

[4] E. Walhorn, A. Kölke, B. Hübner, and D. Dinkler, “Fluid–structure coupling within a monolithic model involving free surface flows,” Computers and Structures, vol. 83, no. 25–26, pp. 2100 – 2111, 2005.