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References :

L. Formaggia, J.-F. Gerbeau, F. Nobile, and A. Quarteroni. On the coupling of 3D and 1D
Navier-Stokes equations for flow problems in compliant vessels. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech.
Engrg., 191(6-7):561–582, 2001.

M.A. Fern´andez and M. Moubachir. A Newton method using exact Jacobians for solving
fluid-structure coupling. Comp. & Struct., 83:127–142, 2005.

L. Formaggia, J.-F. Gerbeau, F. Nobile, and A. Quarteroni. On the coupling of 3D and 1D
Navier-Stokes equations for flow problems in compliant vessels. Comp. Meth. Appl. Mech.
Engrg., 191(6-7):561–582, 2001.