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  implicit tensile test, elastic-plastic material 
  $ test coupon, 200 mm long, 20 mm width, 2.67 mm thickness, 50.8 mm gauge length
  $ units; mm, s, ton, N
  $ By A. Tabiei
  $   imflag       dt0      iefs   nstepsb      igso
           1      0.01         0         0         0
  $  nlsolvr    ilimit    maxref     dctol     ectol     rctol     lstol
           0         0         0       0.0       0.0         0         0
  $    dnorm   divflag   inistif   nlprint
           0         0         0         0
  $   lsolvr   prntflg    negeig
           0         0         0
  $    iauto    iteopt    itewin     dtmin     dtmax
           0         0         0       0.0       0.0
  $        1       200         0       0.0      0.05
  $    neiph     neips    maxint    strflg    sigflg    epsflg    rltflg    engflg
                                         1         1                                  
  $   cmpflg    ieverp    beamip
  $   WRPANG    ITRIST     IRNXX    ISTUPD    THEORY       BWC     MITER      PROJ
           0         0         0         0         0         0         1         0
  $       ID    elform      
           1        16
  $       t1        t2        t3        t4
   2.670E-00 2.670E-00 2.670E-00 2.670E-00
  shell tensile strip
           1         1         1
  $      MID        RO         E        PR      SIGY      ETAN         R     HLCID
           1 0.780E-08 0.207E+06 0.280E+00 0.200E+03 0.572E+03 0.140E+01        13
  $ hardening curve: effective stress vs. effective plastic strain
            0.00000000               200.0
            0.00006657               200.5
            0.00013650               201.1
            0.00020990               201.6
            0.00028690               202.2
            0.00036780               202.7
            0.00045280               203.2
            0.00054200               203.8
            0.00091670               205.8
            0.00136600               207.9
            0.00190600               210.0
            0.00255300               212.1
            0.00472900               217.2
            0.00654700               220.3
            0.00891000               223.4
            0.03259000               250.8
            0.04616000               270.5
            0.06516000               291.5
            0.09176000               313.8
            0.13830000               342.4
            0.20810001               373.2
            0.31279999               406.2
            0.46990001               441.6
            0.70560002               479.7
         204         1         3         1
         205         1         3         1
         206         1         3         1
         207         1         3         1
         212         1         3       0.5
         213         1         3       0.5
                  0.00                0.00
                  1.00             2000.00
                  2.00             2000.00
  $       204         1         2         4      1.00
  $       205         1         2         4      1.00
  $       206         1         2         4      1.00
  $       207         1         2         4      1.00
  $       212         1         2         4      1.00
  $       213         1         2         4      1.00
  $         4
  $                0.00                0.00
  $                1.00                7.00
  $                2.00                7.00
          30         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
          31         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
          32         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
          33         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
          38         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
          39         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
         204         0         0         1         1         0         0         0
         205         0         0         1         1         0         0         0
         206         0         0         1         1         0         0         0
         207         0         0         1         1         0         0         0
         212         0         0         1         1         0         0         0
         213         0         0         1         1         0         0         0