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A brief description of the example.
LS-DYNA Implicit Workshop

Problem #3: Rigid Tip

* Learn the limitations of a linear approximation using a simple example.

Problem Description
A tip load is applied to a cantilevered beam made of shell elements. The tip of the
beam is constrained to be rigid.

Copy the input file to your local directory Using an editor, view the input file and
answer the following questions:

1. How is the rigid tip modeled?
2. How long is the beam?

Run the simulation using the original input file.

3. What type of analysis was performed?

4. What is the tip deflection?

5. What is the angle of rotation of the rigid body (Note: rotations in the RBDOUT file
are given in radians)?

6. What is the maximum X-stress at the supported end?

7. What is the maximum X-stress in the rigid elements?

Copy the input file to a new directory. Modify the input
file to perform a nonlinear analysis, and re-run the simulation.

8. What is the tip deflection?

9. What is the angle of rotation of the rigid body?

10. What is the maximum X-stress at the supported end?

11. What is the maximum X-stress in the rigid elements?

Copy the input file to a new directory. Modify the input file to again perform a linear
analysis, but with the constrained nodal rigid body removed. Run the simulation.

12. What is the tip deflection?

13. What is the maximum X-stress at the supported end?

14. What is the maximum X-stress in the tip elements?

Why does stress develop in the rigid elements during the linear analysis? (Hint: plot
the (axial) X-displacement along the length of the beam for each simulation.)