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Main Input

The main input file of the load case referencing several include files. Please use a recent developer version of LS-DYNA (i.e. ls-dyna_mpp_d_dev_109569 or later) to compute this example.
2012 TOYOTA CAMRY Roof Crush (NCAC)
$ Use a recent developer version of LS-DYNA, i.e. ls-dyna_mpp_d_dev_109569 or later
$ =============
$ INCLUDE cards
$ =============
$ ============
$ DEFINE cards
$ ============
$#   boxid       xmn       xmx       ymn       ymx       zmn       zmx
        22   -4660.0     145.2    -913.5     913.5      -1.0    1445.0
$ ==============
$ BOUNDARY cards
$ ==============
$#    nsid       cid      dofx      dofy      dofz     dofrx     dofry     dofrz
   6000042         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
NODESET(SPC) 6000042
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   6000042       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    nid1      nid2      nid3      nid4      nid5      nid6      nid7      nid8
    639586    639587    639588    639589    639596    639597    639598    639599
    639600    639601    639614    639615    639618    639619    639624    639625
    639626    639627    639640    639641    637049    637050    637051    637052
    637053    637067    637106    637111    637113    637116    637117    637120
    637122    637124    637200    637201    637231    637235    637250    637257
    635407    635408    635409    635410    635411    635412    635413    635419
    635432    635435    635436    635438    635439    635440    635441    635442
    635443    635444    635445    635446    635447    635448    635449    635450
    635465    635471    635476    635482    635489    635492    635496    635504
    633995    633996    633997    633998    633999    634002    634003    634012
    634014    634035    634036    634037    634038    634049    634050    634051
    634052    634053    634064    634065    634066    634067    634074    634075
    634088    634089    634090    634091    634011    634013    972886    972887
    972888    972889    972890    972891    972892    972893    972903    972904
    972921    972922    972923    972924    972925    972926    972927    972928
    972940    972941    972956    972957    972974    972975    972976    972977
    972978    972979    972980    972981    974297    974298    974299    974300
    974301    974302    974303    974309    974322    974325    974326    974328
    974329    974330    974331    974332    974333    974334    974335    974336
    974337    974338    974339    974340    974355    974361    974366    974372
    974379    974382    974386    974394    989846    989847    989848    989849
    989850    989864    989903    989908    989910    989913    989914    989917
    989919    989921    989997    989998    990028    990032    990036    990040
    990044    990047    990050    990054    990057    990064    994266    994267
    994268    994269    994276    994277    994278    994279    994280    994281
    994294    994295    994298    994299    994304    994305    994306    994307
    994320    994321         0         0         0         0         0         0
$ =========
$ SET cards
$ =========
     10001       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
       107       290       222
$ =============
$ CONTACT cards
$ =============
$#     cid                                                                 title
         2vehicle self contact
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr
       100         0         2         0        22         0         0         0
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
       0.2                                    00.0
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#    soft    sofscl    lcidab    maxpar     sbopt     depth     bsort    frcfrq
         0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0         0         0         0
$#  penmax    thkopt    shlthk     snlog      isym     i2d3d    sldthk    sldstf
       0.0         0         0         0         0         0       0.0       0.0
$#    igap    ignodprfac/mpadtstif/mpar2   unused     unused    flangl   cid_rcf
         1         1       0.0       0.0                           0.0         0
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
       100       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
         2         3         4         6         8         9        10        11
        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19
        20        21        22        23        24        25        26        27
        28        29        30        34        38        39        40        41
        44        45        46        47        48        49        50        51
        52        53        54        55        56        57        58        59
        60        61        62        63        64        65        67        68
        69        70        71        72        73        74        75        76
        77        78        79        80        81        82        83        84
        85        87        88        89        90        91        92        93
        94        95        97        98        99       100       101       102
       105       106       107       108       109       110       111       112
       113       114       115       116       117       118       119       120
       121       122       123       124       125       126       128       129
       130       131       132       133       134       135       136       137
       138       140       141       142       143       144       145       146
       147       148       149       150       151       152       153       154
       155       156       157       158       159       160       161       162
       163       164       165       166       167       168       169       170
       171       172       173       174       175       176       177       178
       179       180       181       182       183       184       185       186
       187       188       189       190       191       192       193       194
       195       196       197       198       199       200       201       202
       203       204       205       206       207       208       209       210
       211       212       213       214       215       216       217       218
       219       220       221       222       223       224       225       226
       227       228       229       230       231       232       233       234
       235       236       237       238       239       240       241       242
       243       244       245       246       247       248       249       250
       251       252       253       254       255       256       257       258
       259       260       261       262       263       264       265       266
       267       268       269       270       271       272       273       274
       275       276       277       278       279       280       281       282
       283       284       285       286       287       288       290       291
       296       297       298       299       300       301       302       305
       306       308       309       310       311       313       314       315
       316       317       318       319       320       321       395       396
       397       399       401       557   5000000   5000012   5000013   5000014
   5000015   5000016   5000017   5000025   5000026   5000030   5000031         0