
Contact Automatic
A symmetric short crush tube is impacted by a moving wall. Corner elements are removed on desired initial crush area. See file symtube.k for exploitation of symmetry.

Contact Eroding I
This is a quarter model of a ball striking against a plate and a prick. It illustrates how the *MAT_ADD_EROSION keyword provides a way of including erosing in constitutive models.

Contact Eroding II
A half of a projectile impacting a plate is modeled. The material is of plastic behavior and with a strain failure criteria. Contact is specified with *CONTACT_ERODING_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE keyword.

Contact Foam
A ball and a block are modeled out of solid elements. *MAT_SOIL_AND_FOAM_FAILURE keyword allows the specification of a material which loses its ability to carry tension when failure pressure is reached. See example contact_rubber for a similar deck with block made of rubber.

Contact Friction I
This should model a drum rotating with initial angular velocity which should be brought to rest by a rubber pad pressed against it. This example does not work and you can learn from it, how to debug a LS-DYNA deck. See next example for solution.

Contact Friction II
This models a drum rotating with initial angular velocity. The drum is brought to rest by a rubber pad pressed against it. From this example you can learn about friction, rubber, rigid material and angular velocity.

Contact Pipes I
Two pipes consisting of plastic material are modeled. The upper one is given an initial angular velocity and crushes into the stiffer lower one. Single surface contact is employed. See next example for usage of adaptivity.

Contact Pipes II
Two pipes consisting of plastic material are modeled. The upper one is given an initial angular velocity and crushes into the stiffer lower one. Surface to surface contact is employed. Adaptive process is controlled by a total angle change criteria. If total angle change in the surrounding of an element exceeds ten degrees, the element is refined to the second level and if it exceeds twenty degrees, the element is refined to the third and last level.

Contact Rubber
A ball and a block are modeled out of solid elements. For material definition *MAT_MOONEY-RIVLIN_RUBBER keyword is used. The ball is given an initial velocity and it flies into the block and jumps back. See example contact_foam for a similar deck with block made of foam.

Contact Spotweld
This is a model for welding. To model the welding, one beam element with special *MAT_SPOTWELD material is used.