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Reduced Input

*Node and *Element Cards are removed.
$=============================CONTROL DEFINITIONS ==============================
transient heat transfer through an insulated concrete wall
$ thermal only
$     soln       nlq     isnan     lcint     lcacc     ncdcf
$ transient thermal analysis
$    atype     ptype    solver     cgtol       gpt    eqheat     fwork       sbc
         1         0        11
$   msglvl    maxitr    abstol    reltol     omega                           tsf

$       ts       tip       its      tmin      tmax     dtemp      tscp      lcts
         1       1.0        10       1.0    3600.0                 
$   endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas     nosol
$================================ OUTPUTDATA ===================================
$       dt
$       dt
$       dt
$       dt
$============================== PART DEFINITIONS ===============================
$ title
$      pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
         1         1         0         0         0         0         0         1
$ title
$      pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
         2         1         0         0         0         0         0         2
$============================= SECTION PROPERTIES ==============================
$    secid    elform
         1         1
$======================== THERMAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES ==========================
$ material concrete
$     tmid       tro     tgrlc    tgmult      tlat      hlat
         1    2.4e-9
$       hc        tc		 
    8.80e8       2.1
$ material insulation
$     tmid       tro     tgrlc    tgmult      tlat      hlat
         2   1.0e-10
$       hc        tc		 
     9.0e8      0.04
$======================== NODE/ELEMENT/SET DEFINTIONS ==========================
$      sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
         1       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$     nid1      nid2      nid3      nid4      nid5      nid6      nid7      nid8
        22         1        64        85        43       106       127       148
       169         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
$      sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
         2       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$     nid1      nid2      nid3      nid4      nid5      nid6      nid7      nid8
       394       230       271       353       312       435       517       476
       558         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
$==================== THERMAL BOUNDARY and INITIAL CONDITIONS ==================
$  nid/sid      temp       loc
         0      20.0
$  nid/sid     tlcid     tmult       loc    tdeath    tbirth
         1         0      20.0
         2         1       1.0
$     lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
         1         0         1         1         0         0         0
$                 a1                  o1
                 0.0                20.0
               600.0                10.0
               1.0e6                10.0