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Reduced Input

$ ****************************************************************************
$ electromagnetism
$ ****************************************************************************
$# emsol numls macrodt dimtype nperio - ncylfem ncylbem
4 &freq
$# tstype dtcons lcid factor tsmin tsmas rlcsf mecats
$ reltol maxiter stype precon uselast ncyclfem
$# reltol maxite stype precon uselast ncyclfem
1.00000E-6 10000 1 1 1 &recompC
$ reltol maxiter solvetype precon uselast ncyclbem
$# reltol maxite stype precon uselast ncyclbem
1.00000E-7 10000 2 4 1 &recompC
$# mtype stype abstol reltol maxit
0 01.0000E-161.00000E-6 0
$ matId relTol
$# matid unused unused unused unused unused unused reltol
1 1.0000E-16
$ matId relTol
$# matid unused unused unused unused unused unused reltol
2 1.0000E-16
$ matId relTol
$# matid unused unused unused unused unused unused reltol
3 1.0000E-16
$ matS matF solS solF mesh memory timing d3plotAsc
$ 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0
$# mats matf sols solf mesh mem timing
2 2 2 2 0 0 0
$ mf2 gmv d3plotFor timeHist
$ outlv dtout
$# outlv dtout
$ psid
$# ptsid
$ mid mtype sigma eosid
$# mid mtype sigma eosid unused eplambda deatht rdltype
1 2
$ mid mtype sigma eosid murel eosmu
$# mid mtype sigma eosid murel eosmu deatht
2 4&sigma
$# circid circtyp lcid r/f t/a t0
1 1&jhid
$ sidcurr sidvin sidvout partID
$# sidcurr sidvin sidvout partid iffreqs
3 0 0 2 &recompC