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Reduced Input

$ Example provided by Pierre (LSTC)
$ E-Mail: info@dynamore.de
$ Web: http://www.dynamore.de
$ Copyright, 2015 DYNAmore GmbH
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$X 1. Run file as is.
$X    Requires LS-DYNA Beta version 119000 (or higher) with double precision 
$# UNITS: (kg/m/s) 
EM: Battery simulation
$                                                                              $
$                            ELECTROMAGNETISM                                  $
$                                                                              $
$    emsol     numls  emdtinit   emdtmax   emtinit    emtend  ncyclFem  ncyclBem
         3              &em_dt                                    5000      5000
$#   rdlid   rdltype   rdlarea   ccppart   ccnpart   seppart poselpart negelpart
         1         1         3         1         5         3         2         4
$#       q        cq   socinit    soctou      
     0.845   0.02777     100.0      -444
$#   r0cha     r0dis    r10cha    r10dis    c10cha    c10dis      
      0.02      0.02     0.008     0.008     110.0     110.0
$#    temp   frtherm    r0toth      dudt     tempu     
      25.0         0         1       0.0         0
$# usesocs   tausocs  sicslcid        
         0       0.0         0
$#   isoid   settype     setid     
         1         2         1
$#   isoid   settype     setid     
         2         2         2
$#   isoid   settype     setid     
         3         2         3
$#   isoid   settype     setid     
         4         2         4
$#   conid   contype    isoid1    isoid2       val      lcid    
         1         4         1         2       0.0       555  
$#   conid   contype    isoid1    isoid2       val      lcid    
         2         3         2         0       0.0         0
$   em_mid     mtype     sigma     eosId          
         1         2    5.88e7
         2         1    
         3         1
         4         1
         5         2    3.70e7
$     matS      matF      solS      solF      mesh    memory    timing    d3plot
         2         2         2         2                                       0
$      mf2       gmv                                            randle