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This first example is a simple 2D input. Two versions are presented, one set up models the water domain as a classic Lagrangian solid, the other approach uses the ICFD solver (even if no flow is present) :



This example features a 3D problem where a dielectric material is contained between two aluminum blocks and heated by Electrodes. Two versions of the same problem are again presented. One modelling the dielectric material as a Lagrangian solid, the other as a ICFD Volume :



The following example is a typical medical industry application. An electrode is placed between a blood vessel and the surrounding tissue and a voltage is applied. Two configurations are studied. One without the thermal effect of the blood i.e a pure EM-thermal application :


The second configuration adds the influence of the blood flow modelled with the ICFD solver (only the conjugate heat aspect, the blood flow is not part of the dielectric analysis). The problem then becomes a coupled CFD-EM-thermal simulation. The decrease in maximum temperature compared to the case without the blood flow can be analyzed. 
