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Reduced Input

$ Example provided by Iñaki (LSTC)
$ E-Mail: info@dynamore.de
$ Web: http://www.dynamore.de
$ Copyright, 2015 DYNAmore GmbH
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$X 1. Run file as is.
$X    Requires LS-DYNA MPP R8.0.0 (or higher) with double precision 
$# UNITS: (kg/m/s)
ICFD Rotating sloshing
$                                                                              $
$                             PARAMETERS                                       $
$                                                                              $
R    T_end       5.0
R  dt_plot      0.05
$--- Fluid
R   w_spin      9.00
Rrho_fluid   1.00000
R mu_fluid      0.01 
R dt_fluid      1e-2
R  grav         9.81
$                                                                              $
$                           ICFD CONTROL CARDS                                 $
$                                                                              $
$#     ttm        dt
    &T_end &dt_fluid
$#    mslv
$                                                                              $
$                       ICFD PARTS/ SECTION/ MATERIAL                          $
$                                                                              $
$#     sid   
$#     mid       flg        ro       vis          
         1         1&rho_fluid &mu_fluid
$#     mid       flg        ro       vis          
         2         0          
$#     pid     secid       mid 
         1         1         1
$#     pid     secid       mid 
         2         1         1
$#     pid     secid       mid 
         3         1         2
$#     pid     secid       mid 
        10         1         1
$#   spid1     spid2     
         1         2
$#     pid     secid       mid 
        20         1         2
$#   spid1     spid2     
         1         3      
$                                                                              $
$                    ICFD BOUNDARY/INITIAL CONDITIONS                          $
$                                                                              $
$#     pid   
$#     pid   
$#      w1        w2        w3         r      ptid         l      lcid      relv
        0.        0.         1         1         1        10         1         0
$#    poid         x         y         z
         1         0         0         0
Rotation velocity
$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
         1                    &w_spin
$#                a1                  o1
                 0.0                 1.0
             10000.0                 1.0
$#    lcid        sf       
         2         1
Gravity force
$#    lcid      sidr       sfa       sfo      offa      offo    dattyp
         2                    &grav
$#                a1                  o1
                 0.0                 1.0
             10000.0                 1.0 
$                                                                              $
$                            ICFD MESH KEYWORDS                                $
$                                                                              $
$#   volid     
$#    pid1      pid2                 
         3         2        
$#   volid
$#    pid1
$                                                                              $
$                             DATABASE (OUTPUT)                                $
$                                                                              $